As a patient or family member living with Gastroparesis it can leave one full of
questions, doubt and concerns.
We as Gastroparesis patients have found the following educational, inspiring and motivational
books to be a great source of help during the GP journey.
All books can be ordered through Amazon.com with the photo and link attached. You will
also find page previews available prior to purchase.
*This web page will be updated with additional books on a daily

29Gifts How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life |

Cami Walker |
29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life
How one woman took desperate times, desperate measures suffering from a medical condition and turned it
into a gift.

90 Minutes In Heaven |

Don Piper with Cecil Murphey |
90 Minutes In Heaven: A True Story of Live and Death
After suffering a car accident and near death experience go through the journey and true story of live and
To the prayer warriors........
You Prayed: I'm here!

Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired |

Paul J. Donoghue & Mary Elizabeth Siegel |
Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired: Living with Invisible Chronic Illness
If you too suffer from Gastroparesis or any other invisible chronic illness this book is a must! The book
explains doctors reactions to invisible chronic illness and how you can make a positive change for yourself. Never again will
you feel alone.
Inspiring & Motivational!

The Raw 50 |

Carol Alt & David Roth |
The Raw 50: 10 Amazing Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks and Drinks for your Raw Food Lifestyle
Over the years Carol Alt has suffered from various digestive conditions and has found success going
raw. This book is great for those looking for Gastroparesis diet options and offers some wonderful recipes as well ideas and
'You have sown much, and bring in so little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not
filled with drink.'

1,000 Lowfat Recipes |

Terry Blonder Golson |
1,000 Lowfat Recipes
A great book filled with many wonderful dishes for Gastroparesis patients on a strict lowfat diet!
Whether you have been cooking lowfat for years or you are just beginning to do so, 1,000 Lowfat Recipes
is the one resource you cannot be without.

Symply Too Good To Be True |

Annette Sym |
Symply Too Good To Be True
Over 150 Ways to Tasty, Low-fat Healthy Recipes.
Australia's #1 Cookbook with over 2.5 million books sold author Annette Sym brings us the American Version with
great recipes for those living on a low fat diet and lifestyle.
Some of the delicious recipes are; Creamy Chicken & Vegetable Soup, Crunchy Noodle Salad, Tuna Tomato
Casserole and many desserts such as Chocolate Peppermint Crackles.

Natural Stomach Care |

Anil Minocha |
Natural Stomach Care
Treating and preventing digestive disorders with the best of Eastern and Western healing therapies.
Alternative ways to healing. Over the past decades, conventional Western medicine has developed on amazingly
extensive extensive collection of chemical medications and surgical procedures to treat digestive tract disorders. These medications
do just their names implies-medicate. They bring relief in a number of gratifying ways, marvelously stemming the tide of human
pain and disease. The world would be an unimaginably tragic and ailing place without them. However for preventive techniques,
there are two natural alternatives that do the job equally and sometimes better than conventional medicine. These alternatives
Proper eating and nutrition
Natural medicines and therapies

Gastrointestinal Health |

Steven R. Peikin, M.D. |
Gastrointestinal Health
The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure or Alleviate
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
and Many Other Digestive Disorders
Virtually everyone, even people with cast-iron stomachs, suffers from a bout of gastrointestinal distress
from time to time as a reaction to stressful living, erratic diet or temporary illness.

Complete Tubefeeding |

Eric Aadhaar, O'Gorman |
Complete Tubefeeding
Everything you need to know about tubefeeding, tube nutrition, and blended diets
Complete Tubefeeding is the definitive guide for anyone living with or preparing to receive a feeding
tube, and those who care for them. The Author, a happy owner of a feeding tube himself, combines the best and latest medical
research with insights from his and other's real-world tube feeding experiences.

The Journey |

By Fellow GP Patient, Muffy Morrigan |
Being Custodes Noctis, a Keeper of the Night, is an honor reserved for those of ancient
bloodlines chosen and trained to protect the world from the evil that even the dark fears. The job is full of deadly perils
and serving Custodes Noctis are linked to their brother by a psychic bond, one that lets them survive or leads to their death.
What happens when a fledgling Custodes Noctis must face the world alone? When the memory of his brother's death by
his own haunts him, and his Gifts as a Keeper are out of control? With his past firmly in view, Rob Emrys sets out on the
journey dictated by an ancient prophecy, one he is determined to see come to pass.
*Short Story,
prequel to The Legacy, A portion of the proceeds of the sale will go to Gastroparesis Awareness and Research

Muffy Morrigan |

*Spreading GP Awareness
One Person At A Time*
You My Friend Will Never
Again Walk Alone
©2006 D.S